Bornholmtours has the most holiday home rentals on Bornholm. With more than 650 holiday homes and apartments, 35 hotels and holiday parks, there are many types of accommodations to choose from. This great selection of holiday accomodations is sure to satisfy even the most selective holiday guest with regards to both facilities and location. Bornholmtours has a holiday home suitable for every guest and every budget.
Many people prefer going on an all-inclusive holiday, where you book a vacation package which includes both travel expenses and accommodation. The convenience of having the ferry ticket and holiday home booked for you allows you to lean back and look forward to your vacation, hassle-free. Typically, a vacation package will also include a range of activities on Bornholm. Partake in Folkemødet, explore Bornholms Kulturuge (Bornholms Culture Week) or perhaps enjoy a Gourmet holiday, if that is more to your liking. Either way, you have the option of putting together a unique vacation package tailored to your individual needs and wishes.
People who enjoy being active during their holiday will be surprised by all the opportunities on Bornholm. Bornholmtours offers a wide range of activity holidays. Cycling holidays and walking holidays are very popular, as are golfing holidays. Bornholm offers the golfing enthusiast four very different golf courses.
Outdoor holidays have grown increasingly popular in recent years. Bornholmtours are up to speed with the trend. They have made several so-called “Outdoor Challenge” vacation packages containing activities such as rock climbing, mountain biking and open sea kayaking. Holiday guests who book an outdoor holiday are bound to experience new and exciting aspects of Bornholm’s nature, safely guided by experienced guides, who all know Bornholm extremely well.
Bornholmtours specializes exclusively in holidays on Bornholm. All employees live on Bornholm and, therefore, have an extensive in-depth knowledge of the island. This enables them to provide both professional and personal service to all of Bornholmtours’ vacationers.
Welcome to Bornholm.