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Storms Rum Events & Interiør and Bay&Storm lamps

At the end of the gravel road on Ibskervej in Nexø, leading down to the old ancestral farm, Knarregård, is Storms Rum. This is where Charlotte Storm has refitted an old barn into a unique venue that interprets and shapes space and light and sells interior home design. In these elegantly furnished premises, you can encounter ideas and beautiful spaces created by Charlotte and lighting designer Asger Bay, and see their lamps ‘in action’. The slender, elongated cylinders of black patinated iron, treated with a special oil that makes them look silky smooth, hang from the aged grey ceiling with exposed beams, creating sunlight where they illuminate. This is the vision in its tangible shape: creating better lighting to live in by applying knowledge.

When Charlotte Storm plunged into her new passion, interior home design, in 2014, she didn’t know that it would lead to meeting Asger Bay, or Asger ‘Lys’ (light) as he is called in architectural circles. But it did, and inspired by the meeting, they decided to join forces to create a new source of light based on Asger’s knowledge of lighting technology and physiology of the human eye, which is how the beautiful, simple Bay&Storm lamps came into being. The lamps are manufactured on the farm and sold exclusively from Storms Rum.

As part of their joint venture, Bay & Storm have co-authored the book ‘Human belysning – Solskinslys på en gråvejrsdag’ (human lighting: sunshine on a cloudy day). The work is not just a lovely coffee-table book, but a comprehensive source for the lighting knowledge possessed by Asger. Using simple, animated idioms, Asger communicates his qualified visions for healthy interior lighting – a welcome eye-opener for most readers.

Storms Rum

The space is filled with beautiful, stylish interior design items found by Charlotte Storm in various parts of the world, from patinated French shutter doors, Moroccan pouffes made of leather, and oriental lamps covered with leaf gold to exquisite linen fabrics. The walls are hung with paintings by specially selected artists and provide the finishing touch to the exclusive atmosphere.

Storms Events

Midt i rummet står det 6,5 meter lange bjælkebord fra egen skov, som er rammen om de spændende events, Charlotte afholder. De handler ikke bare om lys, men om alt muligt andet, Charlotte finder interessant og gerne vil dele med andre. På Instagramsiden storms_rum kan man holde sig opdateret om kommende events. Åbningstiderne for Storms Rum ligger primært i weekender og på helligdage, hvor der altid er plads til en god kop kaffe i solen og en snak om lys, design og indretning.

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